Durgin Disconnects
From "The Call"
"The Call" is
a movie every film student should see. For the first hour, this is EXACTLY
how you make a great Hollywood thriller. It's a tense, nail-biting 60
or so minutes that finds just the right balance between character and
situation, action and reaction, punch and counter punch. I thought I
was seeing something special. Man, was I wrong. The film becomes a textbook
example of Screenwriting 101 Hell in its third act. First, though, the
premise. Halle Berry plays Jordan, a former 9-1-1 operator who is still
haunted by a call six months earlier in which a mistake on her part
got a young woman killed. She is now an instructor, walking new 9-1-1
operators through the potential perils of the job. She gives them good
advice: Don't get emotionally involved in any call, and don't ever promise
anything to a caller in trouble. She, of course, commits both mistakes
when young Casey (Abigail Breslin) calls from the trunk of some sicko's
car speeding down the Los Angeles Freeway. Berry, filling in for a 9-1-1
operator who freezes, soon discovers he's the same sicko who did the
killing on her watch months earlier. Film students watching this should
be able to tell almost the very minute the movie goes wrong. It's when
Berry leaves her 9-1-1 call center and decides to go get that killer
herself. "The Call" loses all sense of logic and smarts when Berry rather
abruptly goes from desk-bound operator to boots-on-the-ground rescuer.
Until then, the film had moved in almost real time, effectively dramatizing
a kidnapping in progress and the frantic efforts of Jordan on the other
end of the line to get Casey to work with her in escaping that trunk.
Along the way, there are two Good Samaritans who only make things worse.
There's a gas station stop that turns tense as all heck, then quite
gruesome. And there's the continued failure of the LAPD to trace Casey's
prepaid cell phone. It's so sad that this movie couldn't have had a
better climax and ending. Seriously, moving Jordan out of that 9-1-1
call center is only a slightly worse decision than... well, Berry's
choice of hairstyles in this movie. Yikes! Wuzzup with that 'do, Halle?!
Women go to salons and beauty parlors and pay hundreds of dollars, ordering
their stylists to "Make me look like Halle Berry." Halle Berry goes
to the salon, pays hundreds of dollars, and orders, "Make me look like
Sideshow Bob from 'The Simpsons!'" I kid, I kid. Oh, and film students
take note. I know the current inclination is to give your Hollywood
thriller a "Wowzie!" of a final scene. But that "Wowzie!" has to make
sense from a character standpoint. Even if I would have bought the silly
"Silence of the Lambs"/"Saw" ripoff of a climax here, the very last
scene of "The Call" is one of the worst, most nonsensical attempts to
close a film with an exclamation point in recent memory. I won't give
anything away, except to write that there is just no way the characters
involved in this scene would make the choice they make. No way! Sigh.
I guess it didn't help that, at that point, I had already disconnected
from this "Call."
"The Call"
is rated R for violence, language and disturbing content.